Meet the Team
Andrew Cook
Job Title
Director & Financial Planner
- Bachelor of the Arts (with Honours)
- Diploma in Personal Financial Planning
- Statement of Professional Standing
Andrew holds the Diploma in Personal Financial Planning with the Chartered Insurance Institute and is also a qualified pension transfer specialist.
Having completed his law degree, Andrew joined the Prudential in 1996 as a Financial Consultant. After three enjoyable years he moved to Jelf Group in 1999 to set up and lead their new office in Bath. He subsequently became a Director of the business under the banner of Bath Financial Planning.
Andrew is passionate about delivering high quality advice and service to clients, and in 2018 became a founding Director of Bailey Cook. He enjoys building strong relationships with clients and delivering advice in what is often a complex area in an easy to understand and straightforward manner.
Andrew is married to Tracy and has three boys, Samuel, Oliver and William, and two excitable Flat Coated Retrievers. Spare time often consists of standing on side-lines watching the boys play various sports whilst also following Bath Rugby and West Ham.