This part of our website is where we periodically publish articles related to investments, financial planning and Bailey Cook. Some articles contain links to external websites, such as to provide data sources and further reading, and Bailey Cook is not responsible for the content of those. Articles do not constitute individual financial advice.
If you have any suggestions for topics you would like us to cover, please get in touch.
Charity Update: Siblings United
Wednesday 5th February 2025
Over the last year Bailey Cook, with the generous support of our staff, clients and connections, has raised over £4,000 for Siblings United. Siblings United provides support for the brothers…
Top Trump
Monday 25th November 2024
If you have ever played Top Trumps, the card game, the idea is to win all the cards and outscore your opponents. Donald Trump certainly did just that in the…
The Scary Budget
Wednesday 6th November 2024
Introduction In our pre-Budget bulletin last month we looked at the rumoured changes and in particular the possible pension changes. Our biggest fear unfortunately came to pass, with pension funds being…
A pre-Halloween Scare!?
Friday 4th October 2024
Our focus today is on the new Government's first Budget since 2009, taking place on the 30th October. Will it be the pre-Halloween scare that has generated so much publicity…
The UK Stock Market - a return to favour?
Tuesday 13th August 2024
First a look at the U.S.A. . . . It probably doesn't feel like we have any reasons for optimism after a very turbulent week in stock markets, with the worst…
Inputs and Outputs
Friday 26th July 2024
Is the UK economy as gloomy as we have been led to believe? Could it be the return of the 'Roaring Twenties'? with parallels being drawn between the 1920's and…
2% - Time For A Rethink?
Tuesday 21st May 2024
Markets After a short breather in April, stock markets have indeed started to rise again. In the US this is supported by a strong economy, a good first quarter for Company…
Much ado about nothing
Monday 11th March 2024
Our title is a slight exaggeration but the build up to the Budget in the media was relentless. In the end the constraints of the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR)…
Hope for tomorrow
Friday 9th February 2024
The last few years have been volatile for investors. It began with the rapid sell off, and then recovery, related to the Covid pandemic in 2020/21. It continued into 2022…
Clearer skies
Thursday 21st December 2023
As we come to end of the year the good news is that markets appear to be having the infamous "Santa Rally" bounce from the lows at the end of…
Navigating by the stars under cloudy skies
Monday 6th November 2023
In our August bulletin we said that data suggested we were nearing the end of the interest rate hikes as inflation was coming under control and falling. Whilst to an…
Is the end of the cycle approaching?
Friday 11th August 2023
It was good to see so many of our clients at our Bath Racecourse seminar in July where we were blessed with the weather for the afternoon's racing. The day…