The world of investments

The world of investments
At Bailey Cook we recognise that the investment element of our advice is crucial to our clients' financial security and ability to meet their financial objectives over the long-term.
The world of investments is complex and ever-changing, and it is difficult for Financial Planners, let alone our clients, to keep track of it all. That is why at Bailey Cook we are very clear that we specialise in Financial Planning and we work with specialist investment professionals to provide the fund management expertise for our clients' investments and pensions.
Research and due diligence
Before we decide to recommend a particular investment solution to our clients, we first carry out desk-based research using independently verified sources which cover the whole of the available market. We consider factors such as:
- Investment performance
- Does it have a long-term track record?
- Type of underlying assets
- The size of the fund and the investment manager
- Investment philosophy
- Investment expertise and resources
- Charges
- Ownership and stability of the investment manager
- Risk management process and monitoring
If our Investment Committee is satisfied that a fund and its investment manager meets our criteria, we will then meet with that company to learn more about them, their culture, and how they will manage our clients' money. We find the culture point to be the most revealing. We only want to work with investment managers we feel comfortable with, and who we feel will work closely with us over the long term to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.